Tuesday 16 November 2010


To gather ideas and to create our own designs we used the research and began planning for our newspaper, website and poster. Therefore we created hand drawn designs as a rough guide throughout the making of these 3 ancillary tasks. For all of these tasks we listed what we would like to include and then came up with design plans, four for each. With this we had to take into consideration the layout, images, text and colour scheme. We then expanded on one idea and used Microsoft publisher to expand on this idea. This was the basis in which we would create our final design, although we used Microsoft Expression Web to create the final website as it was the programme most suitable for this task.

With the newspaper we had to create our own stories, with it being a local newspaper we took inspiration from recent news and events in the area. We created 5 stories, with one main story that would feature on the second page, this story is a local story that has produced a lot of publicity throughout recent months with its extensive change, ‘Sainsbury’s: Set for Improvement’. Also we began writing four other stories, two of which being again local stories, one with the inclusion of our school which provided us with enough information to create an article and the second with the local metro and their plans. Although we felt that the next articles shouldn’t be local and should include national news, therefore this would attract readers as they would be subjects that they would want to read as they would be major headline news and beneficial to most people. These articles were based upon the recent rise in University fees and the tax bands with houses.  
Adverts also had to be created to ensure our newspaper was realistic and based upon the fact that most local newspapers rely on their revenue from advertising and not the sale of the paper itself. Therefore we had to create our own adverts and also used original adverts from businesses we knew, permission from these businesses therefore allowed us to use them.
We made thorough planning, and shared out the work load between the two of us working together on the main tasks. We worked individually on creating the stories and therefore were able to use our time wisely on the main tasks with both of us having input on these. Therefore we were able to share our ideas and agree or disagree on changes to our tasks.