Tuesday 16 November 2010


Again we created design ideas for our newspaper website, therefore linking with our research we began to include key characteristics that were included in all of the three websites that I researched. For instance, from my research from ‘The Times’ I felt that their design was well suited to my aims, as they emphasised their stories more by using limited images. Although I feel that we shouldn’t use as much text as this automatically puts some readers off from reading them. Therefore opting for brief statements about the articles linking the pages to these articles, this then gives the reader insight into the article. Therefore with this inclusion we rearranged to see which would suit our newspaper the best, deciding on layout two as we felt offered the most information and as it emphasises more on the articles for the paper, relying less on the images. This worked with the style of ‘The Times’ and also will transfer the same colour scheme from our newspaper. Also using the same stories from our paper.