Tuesday 16 November 2010


For our newspaper, we firstly created a page for notes giving us a rough idea of what they should include, bullet pointing out our plans. We therefore were able to link our findings from our research to our own newspaper and show a clear link to actual products making our work realistic.  

We created four hand drawn designs for potential covers for the newspaper, as they were quick and easy to produce showing a clear understanding. We chose to expand on our 3rd design idea and began creating a computer version of this, showing a rough replica design of what it will eventually look like.
We decided to come up with our own layout, although we took characteristics from our research, using the same font ‘Times New Roman’ and taking into consideration the amount of adverts being used on the covers and second pages. Although all of these newspapers used the same colour schemes, we were therefore able to take our results from our survey and link them with these papers that allowed us to opt for the blues and reds used. Predominantly having one main image, we knew we had to include at least one to the front cover as this draws the attention of the reader more so than the headlines, but also links it with the story to make them more interesting, as the reader can see familiarity and is more connected with the stories.

For page two, we knew we had to have a main story that linked with the front cover. Therefore we planned out the page focusing on this story with smaller stories and advertisements surrounding it, emphasising this story.  For this we chose design 1 that we felt showed the best layout for out page, as it included all aspects that we needed. We didn’t research much into this as we felt that we didn’t need to take much inspiration from original texts as we would create a second page that would link with our front cover giving it an authentic feel. It will typically be similar to that of original pieces as there is never much difference between newspaper pages.