Wednesday 15 December 2010

Poster Production

For the production of our poster we decided to create a similar style to the ones that we have researched. We create a design similar to the one with the folded newspaper into the shape of an aeroplane. Therefore we linked this with our theme and our local base, being at the coast we were able to come up with the idea of a boat and then add it on to an image of the local lighthouse. As a result we had to come up with a slogan that would also link with our theme but fit with the genre of a newspaper. Also including a sell line to enhance the newspapers selling technique into persuading the reader to buy and also tell them what this paper is advertising. We included this in the same font and colour as it is on our newspaper to again engage the reader and show them the similar characteristic.


To create this I 'youtubed' a video clip as a how to on folding the paper into a boat. Therefore we created the boat and photographed it, editing the image and overlapping it onto our own image of Whitley Bay lighthouse. Therefore it gave the ilusion of a paper boat sailing by the lighthouse. Also we came up with a slogan to try and engage the reader and create reader participation with them having to think about the meaning behind the slogan, developing an understanding with them. 'Lifes not always as peaceful as the beach' we created this as it linked with our location and therefore as it is a local newspaper the reader can relate, although we feel the hidden message behind this is that the stories involved have a wider audience and hit some well documented subjects that are in ways dramatic amongst the audiences, for instance the rise in university fees. Also this could be seen as a form of synergy as it portrays the advertising of two ideas, for instance could therefore link with the recycling of the newspaper and how it is reuseable and therefore advises the audience to do so.

Bellow is the screen shot of our poster and the programme we created it in.

Images- We took images of Whitley Bay Lighthouse and our folded newspaper to link the two and create an advert similar to our draft.

Slogan- this was created from a website that has an option of many fonts therefore we had a wide selection and chose these styles to persuade the reader and draw their attention.

Final Design