Wednesday 15 December 2010

Newspaper Production

Firstly, we made a draft in Microsoft Publisher to gather an understanding on how to produce our final newspaper. We added in what we thought we would include, for instance secondary images, headlines and the layout of the paper. We produced this design draft to allow us to refer back to this and also add in our own articles and images.


The images bellow show the progression we made when creating my newspaper pages. We had to look at the coventions of papers (either the front cover or the inside page) and edit around our articles to make them fit with our layout. On the front cover, we used the same mast head as the ones we researched as it would show familiarity to the audiences. We also decided to add an original feature that we created ourselves this would link other headlines with the inside of the paper, shown with our column on the right of the front over. We used the traditional layout techniques of columns and alligned all of the articles with the columns to be similar to that of original newspapers. Also from our research we were able to see how many articles and adverts to use on the front cover and second page. Therefore we decided to use five articles as the length of the articles filled the space greatly and we were just able to fit everything in. For these articles we chosen a few images to go with the articles as too many would make it look over crowded, therefore we needed to find a balance. As a result we only added images to the main articles as it emphasises the main topics in our newspaper, attracting the reader mainly to these articles. Also considering the colourscheme of our newspaper, we kept it simple and only added colours of blues and reds to emphasise main characteristics. Although our images and advertisements coincidently linked with our colourscheme aswell. For the second page we again kept the traditional layout to engage the reader through the familiarity of real newspapers and now our own. We concluded that we would have a main article on this page linked with our front cover, and have two more shot stories surrounding this. These articles were all relevant to the time period of our production of our newspaper therefore it made our newspaper more realistic to others.

Final Design