Wednesday 6 October 2010

Research- Survey Results

To get a general idea on what to include in our local newspaper, we decided to hand out a questionnaire to our classmates. From the results we gathered an overall conclusion about what people expect to see in our paper, from layout, to the articles to produce. We began asking general questions about the current local newspaper in our area, therefore we will get a clear understanding on peoples opions. Bellow is our questionnaire and a powerpoint where we collected our results:

From these results we concluded that for our newspaper we will be calling it News Weekly, as this was the most favoured choice by our applicants. Also the colour scheme for our newspaper will consist of blues and reds due to them having the highest talley, although blue recieved more than red we feel that having the two will add more to the paper and appeal to a wider range audience as both the colours will appeal to range of people.This colourscheme will therefore appear throughout our work. Although we found that not many people read the local newspaper and look on the website we feel that the poster has to accomodate for this loss in publicity. We feel that we should stick to the traditional style of the newspaper as it will show familliarity to the public and therefore would hopefully recieve attention. From the results we found that people would like to see stories on events and weather therefore we feel we need to include a variation of this on our website and paper, and also vary the size of the articles.